Just to let everyone know that this show will be on this year.
Rather than see the show disappear from the calendar, Ian Hartup has kindly allowed me to put the show on at a new venue.
I've kept the show at the same time of year, and the general content will be the same.
The show will be on Sunday 31st July 2011, opening it's doors at 10:00
The venue is Hanslope Villiage Hall, MK19 7NZ just north of Milton Keynes.
I will be getting in touch with all those that attended last year.
But anyone that is interested in either a Trade, Club Display space or further information, please get in touch with me at:
show@little-cars.co.ukDoor entry price will be £2, there is plenty of free parking and the venue will be taking care of the catering for the whole day.
All profits from the show will go to the up keep of the Hall.

Many Thanks,
Paul Fitzmaurice